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Internet and Egypt

I made this image to make a commentary on how the internet puts a lot of noise and distraction between what is really important in the world. I think it is important to realize that while internet memes are a source of culture today, it becomes a problem if we're all looking at the latest Hipster Ariel no one is paying attention to international crises. While I love Hipster Ariel ("I love the sea / It was too... mainstream") it is completely irrelevant to much of anything.

The linguistic meaning of this piece, "Meanwhile, on the internet" is meant to starkly contrast the image on the top panel of Egyptians protesting. They are essential because they juxtapose the kitten with the social activism.
There are two major coded iconic meanings here. First, the Egyptians on the top represent more than just the social unrest in Egypt, they also stand for all important global events that we miss because our own social media. The kittens represent all of the internet distractions, including Facebook, Tumblr and other memes.
The style of the image is also very meaningful because I wanted to make it actually look like the standard image macro. I used the different panels with no gradients or anything fancy and used Impact font to emulate macros.

As much as I love memes, they often have little to no point, and I hope that this image shows this.


Thanks to flickr users

for the images, all found with a CC (allowing edits) search!


No other words are needed.


I think this is true on a lot of levels. It really does bring up a true issue with the internet and that it is filled with so many things that make us feel warm and fuzzy (cue adorable kittens) that we want to avoid the more depressing/confusing news related stories. It is the same reason why folks watch sitcoms as opposed to the MSNBC.

I agree with that, and sometimes we need to look at pictures of kittens.

This is amazing, mostly because some friends and I reached the same conclusion a couple days ago. This image literally puts what we said into pictures!


This could become a new meme!

Hah, maybe. Since a meme is anything that is spread through cultural transmission it technically already is (you're looking at it because I posted it to a public space). But I doubt it'll be a popular internet meme.

Hah, maybe. Since a meme is anything that is spread through cultural transmission it technically already is (you're looking at it because I posted it to a public space). But I doubt it'll be a popular internet meme.

True, interesting, and funny. Excellent job! Kittens are nice, and sometimes kittens are what needs to be seen, but they rarely 'serious' news. (Though a kitten revolution would be hilarious.)

and you see the "meanwhile, on the internet..." things on other meme sites, but seeing it with Egypt in it's top section really makes it powerful. Well done!

This is a well constructed image. The viewer is immediately drawn in by the unexpected juxtaposition of the two main images. Your text is direct enough to anchor the meaning between the two sets of images. Great observation and very relevant.


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