UMW Sports Budget

By jcurtis1

Cutbacks and Increases of UMW sports budget

UMW Budget

By eachiaa

This article is about recent budget cuts on sports and other things at Mary Washington.

UMW incoming freshman

By kalki

SAT scores.

Sports Budget

By be88

The image represents the UMW sport budget cuts for the 09-10 school year. The article I read is from the Bullet and there seems to be some criticism for the budget cuts since that same year the sports information officer received a 4.09% raise. So my image shows the cuts compared to the increase in salary for the sports info officer. This could make an argument that they aren't budget cutting where they need to. You would think that field maintenance and money for our sport programs would be the last items to take money from.

Budget Crunch?

By aquaman

The UMW sports teams had a 2.9% budget cut from last year, but that doesn't mean the teams really lost that much money, this is an attempt to bring that to light.

Athletic Cuts

By canders5

This is an image showing the athletic budget cuts

Do you download?

By bellekid

Comparing data on whether or not students download illegially to how many students they think download illegally.

25% Tuition increase

By shannotate

The positive bits of tuition increases.


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